2009.12.04(Fri.) 20:00

2009.12.05(Sat.) 14:45

2009.12.05(Sat.) 19:45

2009.12.06(Sun.) 14:45


TNUA Experimental Theatre

Adopting the “thematic essay” model – a unique approach to collective creation devised by HORSE, Growing Up discusses how a person goes through prosperity and decline in life and eventually returns to a state of decay and disappearance. The abundance and joy that one experiences in the course of life is often hard to capture and retain. Instead, those moments are a passage of time that one can only chase and sigh for but fail to grasp.


Sound artist Yannick Dauby uses electroacoustic improvisation to reinterpret field recordings of natural environments and sound collages to create tailor-made sound works for Growing Up.


Choreographers/Performers|CHEN Wu-Kang, SU Wei-Chia, YANG Yu-Ming, CHANG Tzu-Ling, CHANG Chien-Chih, HUANG Huai-Te

Technical Director|LIU Chia-Ming 

Set Design|HUANG Jih-Chun 

Lighting Design|CHEN Chao-Chun 

Sound|Yannick Dauby

Sound Assistant | WU Ho-Ju, TIEN Yi-Wei 

Costume Design|Jordan Koh

Photographer|CHEN Chang-Chih 

Graphic Design|Winder Chen

Website Design|Onion Design 

Production Team | Aeropack Design & Production Company

Technical Crew | YU Rui-Hsin, LIU Shin-Hai, CHIANG Kuo-Ning, LEE Shin-Hung, CHENG Ching-Hung

Company Manager | Fred Chuang 

Administrator | Cordelia Yang 

International Tour Manager|Simon Williams


Growing Up nakedly presents a Beckettesquely bleak stage. Through a series of grotesque and quivering movements, it depicts the ephemeral and irrecoverable

years of life.”               

                                                                       ZHAN Jie, MOT TIME


驫舞劇場 HORSE


Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan

Supporting Sponsor

